Friday, November 21, 2008

.:::The Brain Bank:::. ( Spoof )

It seems there was a woman who received some bad news. Her husband had been in an
automobile accident and was brain dead. The doctor told her some good news, though. They had
perfected their brain transplant technique and that she was lucky there were three fresh brains
in the brain bank from which to choose.
Good, Because I Didn’t. 205
A large explosion had killed a firefighter, a captain and a chief. Having insurance, she requested
the cost for each of the brains. The firefighter’s brain was $10,000, the captain’s brain
was $50,000 and the chief was a MILLION DOLLARS! Curious, she asked why the chief’s brain
was so much more expensive.
The reply.... you see the chief’s brain has never been used!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hello There

Helo There the angel from my nightmare
The Angel fromm

Friday, July 18, 2008

Be the best for your future !

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