Sunday, March 1, 2009

Anak Blogger Pekanbaru

Yop, hasil pertemuan pada tanggal 28 February sekitar jam 9-an. kami ngumpul cukup menegangkan, karena kami membicarakan masalah destiny of Pekanbaru Blogger kedepannya. Kalu bukan sekarang ya kapan lagi ........
Oleh karena itu kami yang beranggotakan kuarang lebih se-lusin kurang satu, bersepakat untuk membuat perkumpulan Blogger Pekanbaru getoh.... he he he

Dari hasil keputusan, para blogger bersepakat untuk posting masalah Blogger Pekanbaru ya.... di punya nya, si The Master "Dian Aismana" ato mungkin pernah dengar yang namanya "Sang Penyamun". Denger-denger dia punya 10 blogspot lho,, wuiiiiiiiiiiih. Tapi yang lain ga kalah ko, nih contohnya blogspot gua, he he he .......
sebenarnya yang punya kerja anak UNRI nih si Nanlimo (samaran). Pandai juga tuh anak ngumpulin massa yang sekian banyak (Hyperbol). weiiis

Yang pake jaket biru ngomong-ngomong sapa ya, pernah liat deh. ehhhm....

yang kaos merah adalah: Mr.Taufikasmara
Topi Hitam : Sang Penyamun
Jaket coklat: Ijo Punk Ju-Tee
dalamnya merah : Putra, Friendster :
Paling ujung : Fauzi

dan yang pada berdiri :

Jaket biru : Rizmi
kaos hitam tanpa topi : Maryo
yg keliatan gigi : Nanlimo
Yg kejepit : Hendrawan
Perawan disarang penyamun : Regie
yg paling tinggi : TengkuKhairil

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cara masukin Video ke Friendster

Yap Rizmy's lovers, aku akan nunjukin ke kamu, gimana cara nya untuk masukin Video ke Friendster. Yap ikuti langkah berikutnya ....

1. Ketik "" di address bar.
2. Pilih video kesukaan kamu, yang mau kamu masukin ke
3. Copy Embednya

4. Masuk ke
5. Masuk ke Profile
6. Copy kan embed video yang kamu suka ke salah satu dari 2 kotak besar tersebut.


7. akhirnya selesai

Jangan Lupa baca Alhamdulillah.......

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cara comment pake video

Yo yo yo....
Bagi kamu-kamu yang mau comment pakke video gini caranya ...

- Baca Bismillah
- Masuk ke
- Pilih video yang disuka
- Copy "embed" nya


- Setelah di copy masukkan ke comment temen yang mau kamu kasih comment.
- Baca Alhamdulillah
- Selesai, tinggal di ssssssssssssssssubmit.......... he he he

Bagi yang mau pake video sendiri, sign in (daftar) dulu ke , kemudian upload video kamu. Kalau ga tau juga datangin Rizmmy anak bahasa di MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Nambah Pesan Welcome di FS / Blog

Yo yo yo ......

Ketemu lagi ma A'a Rizmy yang hobi banget surfing n' browsing he he he. Bagi Kamu-kamu yang mo nambahin pesan Welcome di Friendster kamu.... . Kamu bisa copy nih code, di Box yang ada di Edit Profile-Costumize. OK
Tapi..., code ini cuma berkerja pada Frienster yang JS (Java Script) nya blom di Block ato yang belum pernah make cara ini buat pake pesan di awal tampilan, OK.

Ingat ganti pesan yang bercetak tebel sesuai keinginan. Yop yahui.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

:::::A Pirate at a Bar::::::

A pirate was talking to a “land-lubber” in a bar. The land-lubber
noticed that, like any self-respecting pirate, this guy had a peg leg, a
hook in place of one of his hands and a patch over one eye. The landlubber
just had to find out how the pirate got in such bad shape. He
asked the pirate,
“How did you loose your leg?” The pirate responded,
“I lost my leg in a battle off the coast of Jamaica!” His new friend
was still curious so he asked,
“What about your hand. Did you loose it at the same time?”
“No,” answered the pirate. “I lost it to the sharks off the Florida
Keys.” Finally, the land-lubber asked,
“I notice you also have an eye patch. How did you loose your eye?” The pirate answered,
“I was sleeping on a beach when a seagull flew over and crapped right in my eye.” The landlubber
“How could a little seagull crap make you loose your eye?” The pirate snapped,
“It was the day just after I got my hook!”

Friday, November 21, 2008

.:::The Brain Bank:::. ( Spoof )

It seems there was a woman who received some bad news. Her husband had been in an
automobile accident and was brain dead. The doctor told her some good news, though. They had
perfected their brain transplant technique and that she was lucky there were three fresh brains
in the brain bank from which to choose.
Good, Because I Didn’t. 205
A large explosion had killed a firefighter, a captain and a chief. Having insurance, she requested
the cost for each of the brains. The firefighter’s brain was $10,000, the captain’s brain
was $50,000 and the chief was a MILLION DOLLARS! Curious, she asked why the chief’s brain
was so much more expensive.
The reply.... you see the chief’s brain has never been used!

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